Gen Z Slang: Unlocking the Language of Zoomers

Let’s dig into the realm of Gen Z slang and look at some of the most common words and their definitions + examples of how to use them!

Every generation develops its own vocabulary and slang to represent its views, experiences, and cultural influences. Generation Z, those born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2010s, is no exception. Because of the growth of social media and the internet, Generation Z has evolved a distinct collection of slang terms and phrases. This has become a distinctive aspect of their communication style. Understanding Gen Z slang can help bridge generational gaps and give insight into this young and powerful generation’s viewpoint. So, let’s dig into the realm of Gen Z slang and look at some of the most common words and their definitions.

Gen Z Slang Dictionary

Let’s look at some of the most popular Gen Z slang and see which ones you know and which ones you don’t.

gen z slang

Actual [ak-choo-uhl] (adv.)

It is used to emphasize the authenticity or truthfulness of a statement.

“Did you see his actual reaction when he found out? It was priceless!”

After Shower Syndrome [ah-f-tuh sh-oh-ur sin-droam] (phrase)

Being wet and heated, having dry skin, not wanting to put on clothes because it feels strange, and many more problems.

“I can’t concentrate right now because I have after-shower syndrome.

Air Jail [aer-jeyl] (n.)

The act of holding an animal in the air as a form of punishment.

“I’m air jailing my cat, Benji, today.” He ate my moisturizer!”

Ameriboo [uh-meh-ree-boo] (n.)

Someone who is infatuated with America and its culture.

“He’s now talking about moving to America.” He’s a true Ameriboo.”

A.R.M.Y [ay-ahr-em-why] (Acronym)

Fans who will chop you up if you say anything negative about BTS.

“The A.R.M.Y. at my college is a terrifying army of devoted admirers of BTS.”

Ate that [eyt-thayt] (v.)

When someone does a wonderful job; pulled it off nicely; had a lot of success with something.

“Taylor Swift ate that on the Eras Tour, and she knows all too well.”

Backseat Cooking [bak-seet koo-king] (phrase)

When you tell someone how to prepare something or when you admit you made a mistake.

“Please don’t shout at me. I’m the one doing the cooking; you’re simply backseat cooking.”

Bad take [baad-teyk] (n.)

A bad take is an ignorant or poorly reasoned viewpoint.

“Leaving home and staying at a motel was a bad take.”

Bet [beyt] (v.)

It is often used as a casual way to indicate that one is on board with a plan or proposition.

“Hey, want to grab some pizza for dinner?” “Bet, I’m down for that!”

Big Yikes [big-yayks] (Interjection)

A situation that has progressed from a “yikes” moment to a more serious cringy, uncomfortable, humiliating, or generally bad circumstance.

“I found he has a girlfriend and is still texting me.” “Big yikes.”

Bitch Eating Crackers [bich ee-ting krak-ers] (phrase)

Everything this person does irritates you, even basic things like munching crackers. According to the meme, your BEC is that person you despise.

“Look at Kylie over there clicking pictures.” She’s my BEC.”

Bop [bahp] (n.)

It is used to say that a song is especially fantastic.

“Calm Down ft. Selena Gomez is such a bop!

gen z slang

Boomer [boo-mer] (n.)

A boomer is defined as someone above the age of 55. It is most commonly connected with TikTok/Facebook memes that involve people’s use of the phrase ‘ok boomer,’ which is meant to mock or negatively attack the elder population.

“Okay, boomer! I’ll teach you how to share the filter on Snapchat.”

Boujee [boo-zhee] (adj.)

One who exudes swag.

“Doja cat is a boujee and we know it.”

Caught in 4k [kawt in for-kay] (phrase)

To be identified with concrete digital evidence, often from social media/film.

“The maid had forgotten that the house had cameras.” She was caught in 4k.”

CEO [see-ee-oh] (n.)

When someone is referred to be the “CEO of” anything, it implies that they are the greatest at it or have perfected it.

“Don’t argue with her, she’s the CEO of tranquility. You’ll be wasting your time”

Clapback [klap-bak] (v.)

A clapback is a powerful or witty reaction to an insult or assault.

“I know she’ll need some time to recover from my clapback.”

Cancel Culture [kan-suhl kuhl-chur] (n.)

This gen z slang means the act of causing harm to someone’s life or career as a result of human mistakes.

“This cancel culture is out of control right now.”

Cat Tax [kat tasks] (n.)

When you mention your cat on the internet, you are required to provide lovely photographs of them.

“I’ll pay the cat tax six times because I mentioned Benji six times.”

Chill [chi-l] (adj.)

This slang is used to describe a relaxed, calm, or easygoing state.

“Let’s just chill at home and watch some movies tonight.”

Cheugy-ass [choo-gee-ass] (adj.)

It is used to describe something or someone as outdated or uncool.

“Her fashion sense is so cheugy ass, always rocking outdated trends.”

Cringe [kringj] (n.)

It is a Gen Z slang term used to describe something that is awkward, embarrassing, or uncomfortable to witness or experience.

“I can’t believe he told that cringe joke. It was so awkward.”

gen z slang

Dank [da-nkh] (adj.)

It means anything cool and unique, mainly in association with memes.

“I only follow dank meme pages on my social media.”

Day friend [dey-frend] (n.)

A friend who you only see during the day because they’re too chaotic to deal with at night, mainly owing to their partying habits gets you into trouble.

I only see Shalaka before the sun goes down. She’s only a day friend. She stole a kitten the last time we went out.”

Ded [dead] (adj.)

It means “dead, but better.”

“So Harley knows I have a thing for him.” “I’m ded now.”

Dinkwad [dink-wad] (n.)

A dinkwad has a dog, no kids, and a double income.

“Harry and Liam are dinkwads, and I want that too.”

Dog-water [dawg-waw-ter] (adj.)

It is used to describe something as extremely bad or low-quality.

“That movie was terrible, pure dog-water. I wish I hadn’t wasted my time watching it.”

DMs [dee-emz] (n.)

This is an abbreviation for “direct messages” and is largely used on social media.

“I don’t like people sliding into my DMs.”

Drip [dryp] (n.)

It is an expression used to describe someone’s sense of fashion or style.

“Melissa is dripping and I love that for her.”

Era [eer-uh] (n.)

You used to do something that you no longer do.

” I am not in my sad girl era anymore.”

Expensive nap [ik-spen-siv nap] (n.)

A movie or performance that is so dull that you fall asleep throughout it. It is typically reasonably priced.

“The show last night was dull bro, it was a totally expensive nap.”

Fancy Ranch [fan-see ranch] (n.)

Cowboy cocktail outfit or western clothing for a formal occasion or party

“Did you notice Manny and Josh’s stylish attire at the box social?” They were dressed as ranch posh as they could be.”

Fam [famm] (adj.)

A close friend who is ‘like a family’.

“They are my fam, not my friends.”

Fax [faks] (n.)

This slang is used when something is true and you agree completely.

Dean: “Nicki Minaj’s new song is so lit.”
Katy: “That’s straight fax!”

gen z slang

Finna [fin-uh] (v.)

It means going to.

“I finna make some sandwiches.”

Flex [fleks] (v.)

To flex implies to flaunt or boast about something.

“She’s flexing her new Taylor Swift merch collection and I am super jealous”

Flopcorn [flop-korn] (n.)

The unpopped kernels at the bottom of the popcorn bag.

“Please give me the flopcorns, I love them.”

FOMO [foh-moh] (n.)

Fear of missing out.

” I was struggling from FOMO so I was always on social media.”

Fr [fur] (Abbreviation)

A shortened version of ‘for real.’

Fr, my heart was on the floor after watching the horror film.”

G2G [gee-tee-gee] (Abbreviation)

It means got to go.

“I’m getting late gtg or else I’ll miss my train.”

Gatekeep [gayt-keep] (v.)

When someone decides who has or does not have access to information or keeps it under wraps.

“I have to gatekeep my favorite artist, Conan Gray, or else people will find out about his albums.”

Ghost [gohst] (v.)

To abruptly discontinue communication with someone without reason.

“He ghosted me after our second meet.”

Glow Up [gloh uh-p] (v.)

A Glow Up is a positive mental, physical, and emotional growth.

“By far my favorite was your glow-up.”

GMTA [gee-em-tee-ay] (Abbreviation)

When two or more people think of the same idea at the same moment, it’s called great minds think alike.

Matt: “Let’s skip school today”

Heath: “Let’s skip school today”

Matt and Heath: GMTA!

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Goals [gohls] (adj.)

When something generates an ambitious desire or when two things go very well together, the reply is “Goals.”

“Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds’ marriage is goals.

Goat [goht] (adj.)

The slang goat is used for an outstanding individual who is just the finest. The best of all time.

“She studies and also plays for the National team. She’s the goat!”

Grief digger [greef dig-er] (n.)

A person who uses the public outpouring of sadness at the death of a celebrity to obtain publicity or personal advantage.

“I thought the Black Panther: Wakanda Forever promotions were a grief digger.”

Gucci [goo-chee] (adj.)

The Gen Z slang Gucci is used to mean anything that is good, fashionable, or attractive.

“Your shoes are so Gucci! Where did you buy these from?”

Heather [heh-thur] (n.)

A “Heather” is seen as a lovely, admirable someone whom everyone aspires to be like. The word was most likely inspired by Gen Z musician Conan Gray’s song “Heather” about a girl who was at the center of his crush’s dedication.

“I wish I were more like Heather.”

Hermit Mode [hur-mit mohd] (Phrase)

Hermit Mode is a moment in everyone’s life where, depending on the circumstances, they isolate themselves without notifying anyone.

“I was in hermit mode last summer and it was worth it.”

High Key [hahy kee] (adv.)

It is used to emphasize something that is blatantly obvious or known by many.

“I high key love Taylor Swift songs! Can listen to her every day.”

Hits Different [Heets-dif-er-uhnt] (phrase)

When something unexpected happens, it is substantially better than normal.

“Hot chocolate hits different in the summer.”

Hypebeast [hahyp-beest] (n.)

Someone who enjoys fashion, particularly that of shoes and apparel.

“Stay away from hypebeasts, they suck the joy out of life.”

Ick [ik] (n.)

Something a person does that makes you quickly dislike the notion of being romantically involved with them.

“Omg! He did not knock on the door to take her to prom but instead honked. That is such an ick.”

gen z slang

Iconic [eye-kon-i] (adj.)

It is used to describe something or someone as highly influential.

“The Eras Tours is Iconic and I can’t wait to see more!”

IMO [eye-em-oh] (Abbreviation)

It means In my opinion. Commonly used on social media platforms.

“IMO Taylor Swift is the greatest artist of all time.”

It’s giving [itz-giv-ing] (phrase)

Shawn Mendes, a well-known musician, had said “it’s giving Cher,” and some now believe he is gay. Weird, right?
“Damon wears a lot of pink and it’s giving”

I oop [eye oop] (Interjection)

When something awful or embarrassing happens, you respond by saying this.

“I nearly winked at my crush, and I oop.”

IRL [eye-ar-el] (Abbrevation)

It means in real life.

“Don’t be surprised, we are siblings irl.”

IYKYK [eye-why-kay-why-kay] (Abbrevation)

If you know you know.

“Last night was crazy iykyk.”

Jewish Easter [joo-ish ee-ster] (n.)

The day following Easter, when candies are on sale.

“Prepare for Jewish Easter!” We’re going to stock up on candies for the entire year!”

JOMO [joe-moh] (Abbrevation)

The joy of missing out.

“I missed the get-together last night and read books. That’s some serious JOMO.”

Lag [la-gh] (n.)

Lag is usually used in gaming communities to refer to a delay or slow response time in online gameplay.

“Bro! Wait, my system is lagging”

gen z slang

Let him cook [let him kook] (v.)

It means allowing someone to go about their business.

“Don’t talk to her right now, let her cook.”

Literally [lit-er-uh-lee] (adv.)

“Literally” is a Gen Z slang term used to emphasize the truth or accuracy of a statement.

“I literally just finished binge-watching the entire season in one sitting. I couldn’t stop!”

Lives Rent-Free [lyvz rent-free] (n.)

When you can’t stop thinking or worrying about a specific person or scenario, you might say that someone or something “lives rent-free” in your mind.

“Every day, your cat lives rent-free in my mind.”

Lost in the sauce [lost in thuh saws] (expression)

When you have so much going for you that you lose touch with reality and begin acting recklessly, taking unwarranted risks, and getting caught slipping.

” June surely got lost in the sauce after achieving that kind of fame at an early age.”

Low-key [loh-kee] (adj.)

You may use the word low-key or lowkey to assist in minimizing an emotion or desire.

“I low-key like this new place.”

Lame [leym] (adj.)

Dull, or uncool

“This place is so lame, let’s go to an amusement park.”

Lewk [look] (n.)

Another way to say “look” is a distinguishing physical feature. Something that gives someone personality and distinguishes them.

“I adore the color yellow on her; it suits her lewk.”

Main character [meyn kar-ik-ter] (n.)

Gen Z began with a TikTok fad in which individuals broadcast either a montage of their lives as the main character or reenact popular sequences from beloved movies and TV series.

“I went on social media to get some ideas for being the main character today.”

Mr. Perfectly Fine [mister pur-fikt-lee fyn] (n.)

A person who is absolutely okay after a difficult breakup from which you grieved greatly. This phrase is popularized by Taylor Swift’s song Mr.Perfectly Fine.

“There goes Mr. Perfectly Fine with his new beau “

Much [muh-ch] (adv.)

It is used to express a high degree or abundance of something.

“This was a much-needed vacation.”

shilpaahujadotcom minecraft IYKYK JOMO Literally Lives Rent Free Lame Lewk Main character gen z words

Mukbang [mook-bang] (n.)

Pronounced “mook-bong,” is a South Korean style of entertainment that incorporates live film of a person eating a great amount of food.

“I used to watch a lot of mukbang live on Instagram during the pandemic.”

No cap [no kap] (phrase)

The Gen Z slang no cap indicates that they are not lying.

“No cap, I saw her running like a horse.”

Nothing Culture [nuh-thing kuhl-chur] (n.)

When users on social media make their life about nothing, such as when they dedicate their whole stream to consuming fast food. That is nothing culture.

“Sis, that’s just an awful lot of nothing culture, quit watching that.”

OTP [oh-tee-pee] (Initialism)

It is known as One True Pairing used to define love or a romantic couple of characters that a fan passionately supports or ships in fandom culture.

“Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass are my OTP. I’ve always thought they had great chemistry.”

Passenger princess [pas-en-jer prin-ses] (n.)

A lovely girl whose only duty is to sit in the passenger seat and appear pretty while her boyfriend or significant other drives them everywhere.

“My only job is being a passenger princess.”

Periodt [pee-ri-udt] (adj.)

A creative intentional misspelling of “period.” The periodt is used to highlight that a remark is final/that the discourse has come to an end.

“I’m looking for a guy written by Jane Austin and Taylor Swift. Periodt.”

Perp walk [purp wawk] (n.)

Displaying an arrested individual to the press and public while transporting the subject to court, etc.

“You should get ready for your prep walk. They are expecting you in 13 minutes.”

Philadelphia Sunscreen [fil-uh-del-fee-uh sun-skreen] (n.)

Smuggling alcohol into venues where it is forbidden by using an empty sun cream container.

“I got to know that the security at the Eras Tour is really strict, so I’ll just bring some Philadelphia sunscreen.”

Porch Pirate [porch py-rit] (n.)

It is the person who steals goods from naive customers’ porches or front door places.

“My camera captured a porch pirate yesterday.”

Preach [prech] (v.)

The same as “amen to that,” but used by the younger generation in everyday conversation.

Olivia: “Let’s go and grab fries on the way home.”

Conan: “Preach!”

Rizz [riz] (n.)

Kai Cenat, a Twitch streamer and YouTuber invented this Gen Z slang. This suggests you have a game and can attract a girl’s attention.

“She gave me her phone number.” Indeed! You know I’m some crazy rizz.”

Sameshitting [sam-shit-ing] (n.)

Repackaging the same thing and passing it off as something fresh.

“This year, instead of gifts, I’m giving money to my friends.” “I’m tired of sameshitting every year.”

Savage [sav-ij] (adj.)

Someone who is merciless or brutally honest is described as ruthless.

“She’s such a savage.”

Salty [sol-tee] (adj.)

Being angry or resentful about anything.

“Enough of being salty, cheer up!”

Sending me [sen-ding mee] (v.)

When one individual says something that is very funny.

“Our high school pictures that you sent last night are sending me.”

Shade [shayd] (n.)

To target someone with subtle insults or criticism.

“She’s always throwing shade at me, and it’s over now.”

shilpaahujadotcom minecraft Perp walk Porch Pirate Preach Savage Salty Sending me learning gen z language

Sike ward [saik wawrd] (n.)

Sike ward is a TikTok Gen Z slang term for “psych ward.”

“My sister was just sent to the sike ward again.”

Simping [simp-ing] (v.)

When you let women take over your thoughts and force you to do things for them that you would not usually do.

Marc: “I cannot come to the match tonight. I am going shopping with Billie.”
Jennifer: You’re simping Marc!

Situationship [sit-yoo-ey-shun-ship] (n.)

A situationship is a connection that is more than friends but less than a couple. Consider it the current equivalent of the old Facebook relationship status choice, “It’s complicated.”

“I’m not sure, but I think we’re in a situationship for the last 13 months.”

Sheesh [sheesh] (interjection)

Teens frequently use the phrase “sheesh” to convey surprise, amazement, or frustration.

“Sheesh, I gotta study for exams.”

Shook [shuk] (adj.)

It means being surprised or shocked. You’re not going to believe what you’re seeing.

“Riri looks beautiful in pink.” “I’m shook!”

Skrrt [skurt] (v.)

It is meant to sound like screeching tires. If someone is gossiping, someone else may answer with a skrrt to persuade them to stop and repeat something intriguing they just said.

“Enough with Randy talk, Skrrt.”

Slay [slei] (v.)

To appear great or perform really well.

“She’s always slaying her intelligence.”

Sleep on [sleep aw-un] (v.)

Sleeping on something is ignoring its significance or worth.

“Don’t sleep on that new intern. I heard she used to work with some renowned people.”

Sliving [sli-ving] (adj.)

Paris Hilton invented this slang. It’s a combination of slaying and living my best life, together.

“I aspire to be sliving not surviving each day.”

Snack [snak] (n.)

It means an attractive person.

“Do you know how many snacks live in this hostel?”

Snatched [snacht] (adj.)

Used to describe anything or someone who appears to be very attractive.

“Her outfit is so snatched, she looks beautiful!”

Snore D’oeuvre [snor duh-vurv] (n.)

A short nap before one’s main night’s sleep.

Bye girls, I’m going to snore d’oeuvre now.

Spill The Tea [spill thuh tee] (v.)

when one reveals the juiciest gossip.

“Rebecca, spill the tea please.”

Squad [skwad] (n.)

A group of companions who are always together.

“I’m going out tonight with my squad.”

SSDD [ess-ess-dee-dee] (Initialism)

Same Shit, Different Day is taken from Stephen King’s novel “Dreamcatcher”

“Do not ask about my day; it is SSDD.”

Stan [stahn] (n.)

To be a huge fan of someone or something.

“I stan Selena Gomez because she is the queen.”

Superhero Fatigue [soo-per-hee-roh fuh-teeg] (n.)

Superhero Fatigue is more about the type of story being delivered vs what fans want to witness.

“We’ll begin to experience ‘Superhero Fatigue’ around here pretty soon.”

shilpaahujadotcom minecraft Fancy Ranch Fam Flex G2G Glow Up Goat gossiping friends group tiktok slangs

Sus/Sussy [suhs/suhs-ee] (adj.)

Sus or Sussy is a common Gen Z slang word that is a shorter form of “suspicious.”

“She’s been acting pretty sus lately.”

Take several seats [teyk sev-er-uhl seets] (v.)

When someone is doing too much and just has to sit down and be silent because they sound ridiculous.

“Okay Karen, you need to take several seats now.”

TBT [tee-bee-tee] (Initialism)

It is an abbreviation for Throwback Thursday, which is used when uploading old photos or recollections on social media.

“TBT to that incredible trip we took last summer.”

TBH [tee-bee-aych] (Initialism)

It means to be honest.

“TBH you smell wonderful. Which perfume do you use?”

TFW [tee-ef-dub] (Initialism)

That sensation when used to express a very emotional event, whether favorable or unpleasant.

TFW you realize your class is full of Swifties!”

Thick [thik] (adj.)

A thick female is not overweight or skinny, but possesses a well-proportioned body with sufficient mass.

“I’m thick and I love that for me.”

Thirsty [thur-stee] (adj.)

Desperate for approval or attention.

“He’s thirsty for likes on social media.”

Touch Grass [tuch gras] (v.)

When someone does something strange, dumb, or meaningless. It suggests they need to get back to reality and reconnect with how real life works.

“Girl! you really need to touch grass, you are driving me nuts.”

Trial and Terror [try-uhl and ter-or] (n.)

When you try something and then fear because you know you’re about to injure or embarrass yourself.

When Demi guessed the answers on her exam, she felt trial and terror”

Understood the Assignment [uhn-der-stood thuh uh-sahyn-muhnt] (v.)

This slang expression means that someone was successful or completely nailed everything they needed to achieve.

Dua Lipa understood the assignment at the Met Gala 2023.

Vibe check [vahyb check] (n.)

A “vibe check” is commonly used to assess a person’s or group’s general aura. The expression “passing the vibe check” refers to someone who appears to be pleasant or relaxed.

“My stadium section passed the vibe check, which I appreciate.”

gen z slang

Witch hair [wich-heyr] (n.)

A fast-growing long single strand of hair that grows out of your face or chest on women.

“Ew! “I just discovered a witch hair growing below my chin!”

WYA [wye-ay] (Abbreviation)

An abbreviation for “Where you at?” It is commonly used in text messaging.

“WYA? Come to your house; I am waiting at the door.”

WYWH [wye-why-dub-eych] (Abbreviation)

It is an abbreviation for wish you were here.

“WYWH, I am getting bored without you.”

Yeet [yeet] (v.)

Yeet means to toss anything really hard and very swiftly.

“I yeeted my phone out of the window.”

YNK [why-en-kay] (Abbreviation)

It means you never know.

“Hannah disappeared or did she run away? I guess ynk buddy.

YOLO [yo-loh] (Abbreviation)

It means that you only live once.

“Stop being scared and take the damn risk! YOLO.”

We’ve listed a few popular Gen Z slangs, but we’re sure there are many more. We’d love to hear from you – what slangs do you believe we overlooked? Do leave your thoughts in the comments section! Let us know what new slang you learned today.

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