Top 10 Effective Home Remedies For Gout

Gout for the affected person can be an extremely uneasy and painful ordeal. And while medical advice is the best way to follow, you can do something at home to help heal your body. To know how you can deal gout at home read on.

effective home remedies for gout

Gout is a condition of lumpy uric acid residues in the body. When excess uric acid is not excreted through the kidneys, such deposits are produced, which can be terribly painful. This arthritis mostly affects men, and after 40 years is the most vulnerable age for gout.

The points below may help you to reduce gout and, if impacted, can ease discomfort, apart from the regular intake of your recruitment medicines. But first of all, let us better understand the situation and then discuss the remedies.

Types of Gout

This disorder is of four types, which are also considered to be the four stages of gout.

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Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia

High blood Uric acid levels present, but at this time there are no other signs.

Acute gout

The uric acid begins to deposit into the joints of the body causing swelling, pain, and sensitivity. The gout attack usually lasts for 3-10 days and starts at night. You can find acute gout intensity level using acute gout calculator.

Interval gout

It is a phase during acute gout attacks when no signs are seen in the patient.

Chronic Tophaceous Gout

Permanent damage to the joints is caused by a prolonged accumulation of uric acid. Gout arthritis is very painful in this stage, but people are very rarely advanced to this stage of gout.

Most Effective Home Remedies for Gouttop home remedies for gout

Here are enlisted top effective home remedies for gout which are worthwhile to try.

1. Being Hydrated

If a person has gout, the swelling and inflammation can be severe. Drinking more water is one way to reduce swelling. Higher water intake will set off the kidneys of a person to expel excess fluid that can minimize swelling in a gout patient.

Water is best, but there are also good choices for other simple drinks, including broths and herbal tea. Alcohol and sodas that are high in purines and should be avoided in gout patients. Before increasing the intake of fluids, both patients with congestive and renal cardiovascular disease should consult their doctors.

2. Ice Application on Affected Joints

The use of ice cubes wrapped up in a cloth to the joint will help to reduce discomfort due to gout. Try to apply an ice kit for 10-15 minutes at a time to minimize pain in a small towel.

If gout also affects the foot, a patient may also use frozen vegetables wrapped in tissue because it is easier to fit over his foot.

3. Stress Reduction

Increased stress can make gout symptoms worse for a patient. While it’s not always possible to avoid all stress sources, the following tips could help: exercising can also help you feel less stressful if you gout pain has not limit your movement, for example by taking a short walk.

types of gout home remedies for gout

To request time off from work, reading journals or reading a favorite book or listening to music. A person may also feel less depressed by getting adequate sleep or practicing meditation.

4. Enhancing Your Intake of Fish

Some of the fish in your diet can help to reduce the level of serum uric acid. Anti-inflammatory compounds are found in fish that help improve overall health. Some research has found some fish particularly useful in lowering uric acid concentrations.

The study authors found that consuming tuna helped reduce plasma uric acid levels in participants. Participants did were not having gout however, so more research is required to validate these results.
Some food scientists list tuna as a food with a high content of purines, however, so that some people find that eating tuna exacerbates their symptoms. The Arthritis Foundation has identified several other fish with high purine content, including code, anchovies, and sardines.

5. Use of Ginger

Ginger is a culinary and inflammatory herb prescribed for use in the anti-inflammatory response. The potential of ginger in improving gout has been well known.


A study found that topical ginger decreases uric acid pressure in gout. In another analysis, their serum uric acid level has been lowered to ginger in subjects with high levels of uric acid (hyperuricemia). Nevertheless, the subjects are rodents, who took ginger topically not internally.

Compress ginger or paste with 1 tablespoon of the freshly grated ginger root through boiling water. Soak in the mixture a piece of washcloths. When it’s cool, use the cloth for at least 15 to 30 minutes every day in the area where you experience pain. Irritation of the skin is possible, so first, you can do a test on a little skin.

Take ginger internally for 10 minutes with boiling water and 2 teaspoons of ginger root. 3 cups a day to get the proper benefit. It is possible to have side effects. When taking large doses of ginger, first let the doctor know.

6. Apple-Cider Vinegar, Lemon juice and Turmeric

The anecdotally recommended for Gout are Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon, and turmeric. They make a beautiful drink and remedy together.

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Apple cider vinegar for gout is not supported however in research but studies show that it protects the kidneys. Research on lemon juice and turmeric to suppress uric acid is encouraging otherwise.

Mix the juice in warm water from one third squeezed lemon. Mix together 2 turmeric teaspoons and 1 apple vinegar teaspoon. Settle according to your flavor drink 2 to 3 times a day.

7. Celery Seeds and Celery

Celery is a traditional food for the treatment of urinary problems. Extracts and thus vegetable seeds have become popular remedies for gout. While scientific research is rare, experimental use is well known. Celery is known to reduce inflammation.

There are no documented sufficient amounts of celery for the treatment of gout. Try to eat celery several times a day, especially raw celery sticks, fruit, seeds or extract. Follow tag instructions carefully when you buy an additive or extract of celery.

8. Getting Physical and Maintaining Weight

Gout patients need to maintain a healthy range of their body weight to reduce the burden upon their joint. Since obesity leads to increased levels of uric acid, weight management is even more important.
Practice a moderate exercise that does not pressure the body too hard but keeps it busy enough to avoid unnecessary weight gain. Because gout will damage your joints, it will only increase stress and exacerbate your condition if you undergo rigorous training.

Request your doctor to recommend exercises suitable for your condition.

9. Olive Oil

Olive oil has healthy fats that affect swollen joints of gout and arthritis with an anti-inflammatory effect. This beneficial property is caused by polyphenols found in olive oil. In patients with gout, it is advised to include olive oil or other vegetable oils in the regular diet.


Continue using this oil to enjoy the advantages of all your salads and other sauces. Olive oil also helps with its antioxidant action to eliminate the toxins that can build up in the body.

10. Excluding Purine Foods from Your Diet

There are also high amounts of purines in some meats. Avoiding high-purine meats may help to reduce the symptoms of a person’s gout. Meats and fish which are rich in purines are:
• bacon
• veal
• turkey
• venison
• anchovies
• organ meats, such as liver
• sardines
• herring
• mussels
• cod
• haddock
• scallops
• trout


Flare-ups can be painful and tiring. Treatments can reduce symptoms, including household remedies, and help prevent future inflammation. Keeping a healthy weight and regular exercise can also help a person control their disease.

You can also use an acute gout calculator to be aware of your gout conditions. It considers several physical factors and symptoms to calculate your gout. Diagnosing your gout using an acute gout calculator is an easy and approachable way.

If flare-ups do not begin to improve after 48 hours, your doctor should check if additional treatments are necessary. Some medications, like diuretics, can increase the risk of the production of uric acid and gouts.

Before talking to a doctor regarding possible alternatives it is essential that people do not stop taking their medicines. In certain cases, the benefits of the drug are beyond the side effects.

About the Author

Bariah Ahmad is a Physiologist and has earned years of writing experience in Health and Medications. Her articles focuses on symptoms and cure and have been featured on,, and

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